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Amazon essay writing

Amazon essay writing

amazon essay writing

Jun 08,  · Writing Question 1 - Amazon TPM Interview. The first question asked in the written exercise is around the sort of innovation you’ve previously brought to the table. The question will be to describe the most innovative or inventive thing you’ve done in the past. For your answer - we’d recommend picking any one instance of innovation that Feb 08,  · Essay Writing Service Amazon’s above practices can be explained by SHRM theory. SHRM indicates that an organization should find a way to connect HR decisions with strategic goals or to make best practices a way to improve organizational performance Aug 10,  · Essay Writing Service Core Competency: The core competencies for Amazon has been identified as customer convenience and accessibility, unlimited options for selection, custom-made services, the superiority of the content of the web site, the efficient and good quality search tool to find the items of one’s choice and price

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The Amazon rainforest, the largest rainforest on Earth, encompasses an area roughly the size of the United States the 48 contiguous statescontains most of the plant and animal species found on the planet and contributes to weather patterns on a global scale. This natural wonder is disappearing at an alarming rate due to deforestation and with it the animals, plants and eventually humans will disappear as well. This applies to all plants, animals and humans, not just those who inhabit this region of South America. If the Amazon rainforest disappears, the entire human race will likely suffer the same fate resulting from the climatic changes that would result. This disturbing scenario has been well documented by environmental organizations, governmental studies, independent agency reviews and scientific journals spanning the past three decades from which this discussion will draw.

Estimates of its size vary but the general consensus is that the Amazon rainforest covers approximately seven million square kilometers. It represents 40 per cent of the South American continent encroaching on nine of its countries including Brazil, Suriname, Bolivia, Guyana, French Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. The greatest portion 62 per cent lies within the boundaries of Brazil. This massive area, if a single country, would rank sixth largest in the world and is at least half the size of the entire European continent. Amazon Life, The seemingly boundless rainforest is shrinking at a rapid pace amazon essay writing to deforestation, however, which will soon result in grave consequences for both the region and the planet. As in other humid tropical forest regions worldwide, negative consequences include losses of biological and cultural diversity, changes in the regional and potentially global climate, and an increase in social conflicts.

Deforestation describes the removal of trees along with other types of vegetation. Since amazon essay writing, at least 20 per cent of Amazon rainforest has amazon essay writing lost from deforestation. This figure could be under-representative because it does not include trees that have been felled by selective logging techniques which are less noticeable than clear-cutting yet causes considerable harm. Ecologists and scientists warn that amazon essay writing 20 per cent will be lost amazon essay writing the next 20 amazon essay writing. At present, the Amazon rainforest generates half of the rainfall it consumes but the removal of an additional 20 per cent will impede this phenomenon to the point where much of the remaining forest will die from lack of moisture.

The rising temperature of the Earth, due to global warming, will exacerbate the situation and cause droughts which will lead to massive wildfires in the region. Instead of life-giving oxygen which is now furnished by the lush rainforests, the fires will expel great amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Given this very real and impending scenario, it is difficult to imagine how the human race along with all other life on earth could continue to live. Simply stated, if immediate action is not taken to reverse the present trend of deforestation, the immense Amazon rainforest will soon become a desert region not unlike the Sahara in Africa.

Once this process is underway, amazon essay writing effects are irreversible. Some scientists believe the transformation from forest to desert could begin as early as this year. Studies have determined that the Amazon rainforest, even in its current state, could not withstand three years of drought conditions without beginning the irrevocable path to becoming the Amazon desert, amazon essay writing. This result, in and of itself, is tragic enough but the repercussions to the rest of the world would be as catastrophic. Trees are a resource that can be replenished if cutting is managed properly yet this has been anything but the case in the Amazon.

Trees in the rainforest recycle water drawn from the forest ground, amazon essay writing. This, combined with the moisture that evaporates from the leaves is released into the atmosphere from whence it came. If not for this enormous amount of rainwater supplied by rainforests, rivers, lakes and land masses would essentially dry-up spawning droughts of epic proportions. Irrigation farming would be greatly curtailed. Disease, starvation and famine on a worldwide scale will be the direct result of deforestation. Trees cleanse the atmosphere by absorbing carbon dioxide and providing oxygen. Burning trees in the rainforest increases the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and at the same time reduces the amount of trees needed to absorb it. This contributes to global warming, a phenomenon which is already threatening the survival of the planet.

As trees are removed from the rainforest, soil erosion becomes an increasing concern. The bulk of the nutrients are stored within the massive number of trees whose collective canopies protect the rainforest soil from the torrential downpours that would otherwise wash the soil away eventually allowing the rivers to flood low lying areas. The mass clearing of trees is the obvious threat to soil erosion but selective cutting is too, amazon essay writing. Fewer numbers of trees to feed the soil will lead to lower quality soil thus fewer trees still, a process that is essentially irreversible. The rain forest is also home to amazon essay writing tribes, many who have become extinct in the past three decades.

Some have estimated that more than entire tribes have been lost in recent years. After living harmoniously with nature for untold thousands of years, deforestation has deprived these indigenous peoples of the land which provided them housing, food and medications. Many were killed by the diseases brought in by the loggers or outright while attempting to protect their homes. Medicines that originate from rainforest plants are not only important to the indigenous tribes but to the rest of the world population as well. More than a quarter of contemporary medications were derived from rainforest plants but only one percent of these amazon essay writing have been tapped for their medicinal value.

Therefore, the potential for life-saving medicines yet discovered is tremendous, amazon essay writing. Loggers do not wish for the rainforests to vanish, if for no other reason, because their livelihoods depends on it. They claim the world would have to stop using wood for the demand to diminish. The demand, amazon essay writing, not the supply is destroying the rainforest. In addition, amazon essay writing, if this unlikely scenario were to happen, commercial ranchers, tribesmen and miners would continue to clear trees at an enormous rate.

The ever-expansive soybean farms and wealth of precious metals in the region assure the continued deforestation with or without the presence of loggers. This stance is eerily similar to the U. position on global warming, that to tackle the problem would not be economically feasible. Taylor, The proliferation of soy bean farming has negatively impacted the Amazon rainforest. Beyond the massive clearing of trees to provide more farmland, amazon essay writing soy farmers continually persuade government officials to expand roadways which allow more of those with both legitimate and illegal commercial concerns access to increasing larger amounts of rainforest areas, amazon essay writing.

As in logging, the blame can largely be pointed at the demand-side. Environment Secretary David Miliband proposed offering sections of the Amazon rainforest to be sold to private individuals, associations and businesses for strictly preservation purposes. This would compensate the governments and stop the deforestation, at least in those regions. The Brazilian government quickly amazon essay writing the amazon essay writing citing the possible undermining of its autonomy. Brazil is implementing a monitoring scheme to track illegal logging which it contends will slow the destruction of forests. However, these new government employees will be greatly susceptible to corruptive tactics used by logging amazon essay writing. Kage, Though selective logging is damaging to the rainforest, this technique is less damaging than clear-cutting.

Local governments of the Amazon region have been less than helpful in curbing the destruction of the rainforests. In fact, not only has few, amazon essay writing, if any, resolutions to the problem emanated from local authorities, many have actively thwarted attempts to save it. Local authorities often act in conjunction with drug cartels gangs and ranchers who profit from the clearing of rainforests. Because of the impoverished conditions which rampant throughout the region, corruption also runs rampant. The governments of the region cannot be counted on to improve conditions amazon essay writing or in the future.

The only viable method of preserving the rainforests is to appeal to the economic realities of the region. Saving the Amazon rainforest is a good idea whether or not its destruction would also likely kill most everything on earth. Even if all the scientists, environmentalists, government and scholarly studies were proved percent wrong and nothing outside a few desolate tribes, some frogs, amazon essay writing, snakes and birds would notice if the rainforest was transformed into desert, it would still be worth saving at any cost due to its beauty, uniqueness and numbers of species and medicinal potential.

Much as the global warming issue, whose destiny is tied to deforestation, even if climate change due to carbon monoxide emissions were proved a myth, amazon essay writing, reducing air pollution still makes sense. Kage, amazon essay writing, Ben. January 19, Kommers, Nate. World Resources Institute. July 23, Taylor, amazon essay writing, Elizabeth. Amazon essay writing 10, Are loggers the real problem? Wallace, Scott. December 15, Wolfe, Jason, amazon essay writing. January 21, The Amazon Rainforest, an Integral Component of the Environment.

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Amazon Interview (12 of 10): The Writing Assignment

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amazon essay writing

Jan 22,  · Essays. Essay Writing Services. At King Essays, we prioritize on all aspects that creates a good grade such as impeccable grammar, proper structure, zero-plagiarism, and conformance to guidelines. The principal purpose of essay writing is to present the author's evaluation concerning a singular subject about which they have made Essay Writing contains easy-to-incorporate lessons along with tips for teaching specific concepts that range from pre-writing exercises to revising and editing /5(16) Jun 08,  · Writing Question 1 - Amazon TPM Interview. The first question asked in the written exercise is around the sort of innovation you’ve previously brought to the table. The question will be to describe the most innovative or inventive thing you’ve done in the past. For your answer - we’d recommend picking any one instance of innovation that

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